Z JoggerWiki
Użycie GeSHi na Joggerze jest bardzo proste. Wystarczy umieścić kod pomiędzy znaczniki {geshi lang=identyfikator_jezyka} a {/geshi}
Lista języków wspieranych przez GeSHi
- abap - ABAP
- actionscript - Actionscript
- actionscript3 - Action Script 3
- ada - ADA
- apache - Apache Log
- applescript - AppleScript
- apt_sources - APT sources.list
- asm - ASM
- asp - ASP
- autoit - AutoIT
- avisynth - AviSynth
- bash - Bash
- basic4gl - Basic4GL
- bf - Brainf* * k
- bibtex - BibTeX
- blitzbasic - BlitzBasic
- bnf - Backus-Naur form
- boo - Boo
- c - C
- c_mac - C for Macs
- caddcl - CAD DCL
- cadlisp - CadLisp
- cfdg - CFDG
- cfm - ColdFusion
- cil - CIL
- cmake - CMake
- cobol - COBOL
- cpp - C++
- cpp-qt - C++ language with QT extensions
- csharp - C#
- css - CSS
- css-gen.cfg
- d - D
- delphi - Delphi
- diff - Diff-output
- div - DIV
- dos - DOS
- dot - dot
- eiffel - Eiffel
- email - Email (mbox / eml / RFC format)
- erlang - Erlang
- fo - FO
- fortran - Fortran
- freebasic - FreeBasic
- genero - Genero (FOURJ's Genero 4GL)
- gettext - GNU Gettext
- glsl - glSlang
- gml - GML
- gnuplot - Gnuplot
- groovy - Groovy
- haskell - Haskell
- hq9plus - HQ9+
- html4strict - HTML
- idl - Unoidl
- ini - INI
- inno - Inno
- intercal - INTERCAL
- io - IO
- java - Java
- java5 - Java 5
- javascript - Javascript
- kixtart - KiXtart
- klonec - KLone with C
- klonecpp - KLone with C++
- latex - LaTeX
- lisp - Lisp
- locobasic - Locomotive Basic
- lolcode - LOLcode
- lotusformulas - @Formula/@Command
- lotusscript - LotusScript
- lscript - Lightwave Script
- lsl2 - Linden Scripting Language
- lua - Lua
- m68k - Microprocessor ASM
- make - Make
- matlab - Matlab M-file
- mirc - mIRC
- modula3 - Modula-3
- mpasm - Microchip Assembler
- mxml - MXML
- mysql - MySQL
- nsis - NSIS
- nsis - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
- oberon2 - Oberon-2
- objc - Objective C
- ocaml - OCaml
- oobas - OpenOffice BASIC
- oobas - Basic
- oracle11 - Oracle 11i
- oracle8 - Oracle 8 SQL
- pascal - Pascal
- per - Per (forms) (FOURJ's Genero 4GL)
- perl - Perl
- php - PHP
- php-brief - PHP (brief version)
- pic16 - PIC16 Assembler
- pixelbender - Pixel Bender 1.0
- plsql - PL/SQL
- povray - Povray
- powershell - PowerShell
- progress - Progress
- prolog - Prolog
- properties - Property
- providex - ProvideX
- python - Python
- qbasic - Q(uick)BASIC
- rails - Ruby
- rebol - Rebol
- reg - Microsoft Registry Editor
- robots - robots.txt
- ruby - Ruby
- sas - SAS
- scala - Scala
- scheme - Scheme
- scilab - SciLab
- sdlbasic - SDLBasic
- smalltalk - Smalltalk
- smarty - Smarty
- sql - SQL
- tcl - TCL
- teraterm - Tera Term Macro
- thinbasic - thinBasic
- tsql - T-SQL
- vb - Visual BASIC
- vbnet - VB.NET
- verilog - Verilog
- vhdl - VHDL
- vim - Vim scripting
- visualfoxpro - Visual Fox Pro
- visualprolog - Visual Prolog
- whitespace - Whitespace
- whois - Whois response (RPSL format)
- winbatch - Winbatch
- xml - XML
- xorg_conf - xorg.conf
- xpp - X++
- z80 - Z80 ASM